The Famous Doorstop -- Apple Macintosh Classic II

For many years, CS faculty have used a nonworking Apple Macintosh Classic II as a doorstop. It's my hope that one day, an enterprising computer engineering or electrical engineering student will attempt to restore this system to its original state and force us to purchase a new doorstop (or get the mechanical engineering students to get a new one for us).

Apple Macintosh Classic II

-- Michael Robbeloth - 2022-08-12


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JPEGjpg PXL_20220812_201331338.jpg r3 r2 r1 manage 2231.8 K 2022-08-12 - 16:34 MichaelRobbeloth Apple Macintosh Classic II
Topic revision: r1 - 2022-08-12 - MichaelRobbeloth
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